Registration is now open for the 2022 Deputy Sheriffs' Memorial Golf Tournament

by Mike O’Deane

During my first two weeks as your new DSA president, I have been immersing myself in the daily operations of our association and working on establishing our priorities moving forward.   The new board is starting its term with some unexpected challenges.  I have been very impressed at how the DSA staff have come together in responding to and learning from the situation.  

We will be making positive changes moving forward in the store and rebuilding our brand with proven experience and customer service at the forefront.  We will be building on the positive, and learning from what we can do differently in 2023, to enhance the services we offer to our membership.  

We have the upcoming Dinner Dance on March 18,  and the Memorial Golf Tournament in September.  Please check your schedules and sign up for these great events.   

My top priority in the first 60 days, will be to vigorously work with all of the county stakeholders in the negotiating process, to negotiate a contract that will address the critical staffing challenges facing our department and improve retention of our most valuable and expensive county resource, a deputy sheriff.  

In my new role as president, I also plan to dramatically increase transparency in the decisions we make and enhance member inclusion when addressing issues facing our members and our association.  You will see DSA updates from me, or the association on matters that impact all of us, to ensure that you are informed.  The board is here for you to look out for each of you and provide whatever resources you need to have a fulfilling, healthy career.  

In every decision we make, we will ask three questions.   How does this improve our salary, benefits, and working conditions?   If we don’t identify one of these three core directives,  we should not and will not support it.   The DSA will be more analytical and diligent when it comes to spending our association funds.   This will apply to member events, political action, and public relations matters.  

The DSA slogan of “The Strength behind the Badge” was chosen by all of us to symbolize our unity and support to the members of this great agency.  We are strong when united.  I look forward to meeting all of you at your work sites, or when you come by the DSA.  Stay safe and take care of one another.   You can reach out to me anytime by email, phone, or in person. 

Thank you.