Deputy Wellness
It’s no secret that a well-rounded and balanced individual makes a well-rounded and balanced law enforcement officer. But amid the complexities of bureaucratic red tape, the long shifts and traumatic encounters, the need to put on a strong front, public misinformation, seemingly constant policy changes, and countless more adversities, this work of being “well-balanced” is a tall order for the men and women of law enforcement today.
The San Diego County Deputy Sheriffs’ Foundation supports deputies in their professional, mental, physical, and emotional development so that they can reach their full career and personal potential.
Here is a glimpse into the programs and services offered to deputies by the foundation:
- SEMINAR: Retirement Planning
- SEMINAR: Know Your Rights
- Echelon Front Leadership Training: Practical, experience-based solutions to the complex leadership challenges First Responders face on a daily basis. Free Training is available to our members via this link: https://academy.echelonfront.com/free-training/
The Sheriff’s Wellness Unit has provided a list of resources avilable at this link Wellness-Resources-09012023.pdf (dsasd.org)
- SEMINAR: Retirement Planning
- SmartDollar:
A Step-By-Step Plan To Eliminate Debt, Save For Emergencies, and Retire With Confidence. Create your account today: https://www.smartdollar.com/enroll/deputysheriffsassociationofsandiego4128