by Mike O’Deane

I would like to congratulate and welcome Sean Boegler, Ryan Smith, and Chris Allen to the DSA board of Directors. As we move into 2024, we still have many items to advocate for, with the primary goal of improving the retention of our current deputies, eliminating mandatory overtime, incentivizing voluntary overtime, and improving retiree medical for all deputies.

On December 5, 2023, the DSA was successful in working with the Board of Supervisors, unanimously voting to approve the $250,000 actuarial study of the Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP). This extensive study should be completed by August 2024, with the findings being returned to the Board of Supervisors for final review. This is a significant step in the process to confirm that our DSA actuarial report is in fact cost-neutral. For a DROP program to be implemented by the county, the program must be cost-neutral. We will have more information on the findings later this year.

The DSA Board has invested in infrastructure at our association building. We have installed a new roof and solar panels. The solar panels will pay for themselves in three years and will save the DSA thousands of dollars annually on electricity costs.

We have made significant upgrades to the store, adding an additional 300 sq ft. of floor space. We are working hard to keep items in stock that deputies want and need to perform their jobs. With the department approval of red dot optics, the DSA store will be selling the optics, adapter plates, and suppressor height sights for deputies that want to deploy them. These can be purchased in a bundle and can be bought on payroll deduction.

As we progress through 2024, the DSA will continue advocating for all members. We will continue to work to ensure deputies are given the respect and appreciation they deserve and work with the Sheriff, and county administrators on the issues facing our members.

I hope you’ll join me in welcoming and supporting our entire board in 2024, as we continue to collaborate on finding solutions to the issues affecting our association members.

Stay safe and take care of one another.