Dear DSA Member,
Senate Bill 731, authored by Senator Bradford, will change our careers.
SB 731 seeks to defund the police and rush the bill through the legislative process without appropriate public comments and committee analysis. The bill includes the following provisions:
- A majority of the members on the proposed decertification advisory panel dislike cops and will have a predisposition to remove any officer that comes before their panel.
- Officers can be banned from being a peace officer for virtually anything, including traffic and/or pedestrian infractions.
- Officers will be subject to an unlimited amount of personal financial liability for mistakes beyond their control.
- Officers who are exonerated by their department, state courts, and federal courts can still be decertified.
Cal Chiefs President Eric Nuñez said it best earlier today: “We absolutely support changing the licensing protocol and establishing a process to ensure we have only the best working as officers. However, if we expect our peace officers to continually place themselves in harm’s way to protect our families and communities, they must operate with the peace of mind that as long as they are reasonably acting within the law, they will not be penalized for performing their duties.”
WE NEED YOUR HELP to fight this bill. Please SIGN THE PETITION BELOW to let your legislators know that we will not be silenced.

David Leonhardi, President
Deputy Sheriffs’ Association of San Diego